Saturday, March 22, 2014

What Jesus Never Said

For years, when attempting to explain how I view Jesus as one of the world's great spiritual teachers rather than a religious figure, I've said, "Jesus wanted us to emulate his teaching; he never said, "Start a religion and name it after me!"

Now, to my amazement and joy, Pam Grout, author of E2, echoes and validates my perspective in her hugely funny, on-point book about how we can prove our thoughts create our reality. The book is an easy read and a hoot: Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup fame) says, "Pam has combined the humor of Ellen DeGeneres with the wisdom of Deepak Chopra."

 Here's the juice on Jesus, p. 34:

"The FP (Field of Potential or Possibility) is a force field that's equally available to everyone. It's a natural capacity in all of us, not an exclusive gift bestowed upon a few. In fact, that is the primary lesson Jesus taught.

"To worship Jesus the way we do is a little like worshipping Benjamin Franklin because he first discovered electricity. Ben Franklin sent that kite up in an electric storm so we could use the principle he demonstrated. He didn't do it so we'd build temples to him, paint pictures of him, and wear little commemorative keys around our necks. He wanted us to take the principle of electricity and use it — which we do to run radios and computers and air conditioners. Had we stopped with Ben's discovery the way we did with Jesus's discovery, we'd all be sitting in the dark.

"Benjamin Franklin didn't invent electricity any more than Jesus invented spiritual principles. Lightning and the resulting electricity have always been available. We just didn't realize it or know how to access it. Galileo didn't invent gravity when he dropped the wooden ball off the leaning tower of Pisa. He just demonstrated it.

"Likewise, Jesus demonstrated spiritual principles that he wants us to use and develop. We've wasted 2,000 years worshipping this idol of him instead of using the principles he taught us. Look through the Bible and nowhere does Jesus say, 'Worship me.' His call to us was 'follow me.' There's a big difference."

So get out your BF key and electrify your life with the Jesus principle: greater things than these shall ye do!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When You're About to Give Up…

"Come in out of the darkness." 
~ Stevie Nicks, Bella Donna

We're living our Light more magnificently than ever before, shining our radiance in everyday interactions. It's never been so easy — or, in some ways, so strange. Archangel Michael describes how it looks: "Our peace and comfortableness with the shifting energy will help other people feel more comfortable. We will do this from our just walking through a grocery store, the post office, or sitting in a movie theatre. People will automatically feel a little bit calmer, because we are carrying that pivotal, new orientation point inside us..."

I've been noticing that people tend to park next to my car, even when an entire parking lot is virtually empty, or sit next to me when there are numerous other seats available. At first this disturbed me; then I began to understand. People feel drawn to the energy those of us who have walked this road carry, even if they are unaware of it or can't articulate it. Our role now is to listen them into awareness.

An example: our local senior center offers high-speed WiFi, though I don't usually get much work done there because as soon as I sit down, someone wants to chat! The conversation has been desultory — until last week. A woman sat by me, spoke casually at first, then shifted into deeply personal material. I felt called to respond as I would with a coaching client, and watched her growth in the moment as I validated how she was stepping into her power. It was remarkable, beautiful, and thrilling to observe: I was simultaneously participant and witness to the process.

Archangel Michael says, "Instead of taking months or days, it is taking hours or minutes to shift. Our service to the world is anchoring and just staying in that new center point...We are of service to the planet by BE-ing who we are."

Gillian Macbeth Louthan adds a surprising caveat: "When you feel like destroying something that you have worked on or worked for or worked toward — you are at the edge of succeeding. At the very edge of success, there is an 'initiation via potential sabotage'. Many are comfortable in succeeding a little bit, but not totally."

Darkness and Light are a Möbius strip, the both/and of life in 3D. May Sarton's Invocation to Kali expresses it best:

"Help us to be the always hopeful
Gardeners of the spirit
Who know that without darkness
Nothing comes to birth
As without light
Nothing flowers."