Friday, November 11, 2016

Code Blue: Revivifying the Heart of America

In hospitals, Code Blue indicates cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. It's an apt metaphor for our political emerge-and-see. Time to take a deep breath, revive from unconsciousness and plunge ever deeper into our hearts.

The body politic is broken, yet repairing what isn't working will just keep the existing system chugging along longer. We need to craft a new mythology, a wholly different story for unprecedented times.

Embracing the both/and with both feet on the ground

Early in 2012, when we were preparing for a quantum jump into a reality beyond the tide of prophecy, I referenced polymath Jim Channon, an author and corporate shaman with a military intelligence background (how's that for crossing borders!) who writes, of reimagining our future,

"Between the crack of time and the fold of space there is an impulse to seek the fullness of life. Let there be the slipstream of knowing that penetrates in the flash of an eye to the core of the prize. Let that edge of knowing blaze a trail of pure magic for the spiritual warriors of the galaxy to rise again in the grist of the great surge forward and strike the banner of pure heart into the midst of the fury and bring her all — home again."

It's time to move from being edge dwellers to center walkers, embracing the both/and with both feet on the ground. We're doing it: getting involved, questioning the structure of the Electoral College, connecting with allies we've never met to discover what the new path might look like.

It won't be constructed of asphalt ("at fault") but from pumps primed around the nation and across the globe: the pumps that live inside us, circulating identical blood whether our hearts beat in black, white, brown, straight, LGBTQi, American, Mexican, Muslim, or any other cultural body.

Progress is a process

Our differences are skin deep, and micro-thin. Beyond the clothes our organs wear, we are One. Poet David Whyte, whose words resonate equally in boardrooms and blogs, offers an internal aegis for us all:

"Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into

the conversation. The kettle is singing even as it
pours you a drink, the cooking pots
 have left their
arrogant aloofness and seen the good in you at last.
All the birds
 and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you."

Or consider the term Steve Rother, five-time United Nations presenter, brought through: "Espavo". Espavo means, "Thank you for taking your power". The ancient Lemurian acknowledgment is akin to the Indian greeting "Namaste", which means, "The Spirit in me recognizes the Spirit in you", and the Mayan expression, "In Lak'ech": "I am another yourself." The distinctive difference is, Espavo carries an implicit call to action.

The Heart of the Matter

And the moment is now. Pragmatic mystic Gillian Macbeth Louthan shares, "The 11:11 doorway begins its activation on November 11, 2016 and closes on January 11, 2017. It is a gateway into your highest potential as a human seeking divinity. Promises present themselves disguised as foxes in a henhouse." (Ahem…)

"When the forces of Eleven become fully activated they have the power to change history and even fate if enough love is globally broadcast. Eleven teaches us every problem comes as a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It tests our faith and our belief system. It forces us to listen to that small, still, quiet voice within: the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to Earth to help with the healing and awakening process. It asks you to locate the light within and share it with all."

This is a potent time for powerful pre-emptive magic. Initiated Mayan elder and author Martín Prechtel suggests we engage in "love drive-bys", where we run up to someone, press chocolate into their palm and run away. What a deliciously playful expression of the true meaning of power: that which heals us into our wholeness.

We're on our way to Code Clear. Breathe from deep within your soul, and feel your heart expand to encompass winnovative solutions. Remember, Earth and Heart are anagrams: only the "h", for home, healing, humanity, moves from one end to the other. Espavo.

© Copyright November 2016 Amara Rose. All rights reserved.

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