Sunday, February 13, 2005

Play Dough: Reshaping Your Relationship With Money!

Got money?

If you're rolling in dough, read no further. But if, like most of us, you often wonder, "if the buck stops here, where is it?" then this playshop's for you.

Is Money:

* Hard to Manifest?
* A Necessary Evil?
* A Taboo Topic?

Ready to shift that old reality?

This is the Year of the Phoenix, when we will burn through our prosperity precautions and light the fire of abundance! You're invited to release worn-out beliefs and behavior patterns and create new pathways, through purposeful play and practical counsel.

It might be the most fun you've had with money in ages!

In this highly experiential playshop, we will:

$ Discover that money *does* grow on trees;
$$ Develop a whole new meaning for "money laundering";
$$$ Reinterpret money as My Own Natural Energy Yield: dough that rises
to meet your worth.

It's time for the Wise to be Wealthy!

To play, please bring:

* $100 in cash (small bills: 1s, 5s 10s, 20s)
* An object with special meaning for you, e.g., photo, crystal, shell, stone, rattle, etc.
* Old clothing, old towel
* An open mind and an open heart

WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2005, 10 am - 5 pm (Spring Equinox weekend)
WHERE: A magical space in Sebastopol, CA (address and directions when you register)
WITH: Life coach Amara Rose and CPA Trish Blue
INVESTMENT: $100 includes delicious organic lunch, healthy snacks, and all playshop materials (Note: This is distinct from the $100 of "play" money)
RSVP: 1-800-862-0157 or to confirm your participation and for the snail-mail address for checks.

Sign up online here:
Play Dough: Reshaping Your Relationship With Money!

Registration deadline: February 28, 2005

Give yourself permission to be prosperous!
Come play, so you can say, "The buck stops here!"


Synchronicity rising: Here's the random question generated for my profile, with my reply:

If mud is dirt plus water, what is clay?
The possibilities inherent in having a creative mind and an open heart--this is how we reshape reality!

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