Sunday, March 13, 2011

Asian Earthquake / Tsunami Redux

We've been here before: the 9.0 Indonesian 'quake struck the day after Christmas 2004, unleashing unimaginable devastation from which the affected countries are still recovering. It's déjà vu all over again. As I look at the images of destruction in Japan, mulling over the meta level lessons of this latest leveling, I revisited the article I wrote six years ago: Watershed.

This is only one of many such cataclysmic events we're experiencing as humanity births itself to a new level of consciousness. Yet context is crucial to understanding what's going on. I did my best to explain the higher dimensional perspective to my dad yesterday, and while he listened, he remained skeptical, because the material is so foreign to his way of thinking. So I wrote him a letter, and realize much of it may serve others as well:

"The times we're living in are some of the most exciting ever (although doubtless people of most eras have felt this way), because, in a very real sense, we're witnessing the end of history. This is what the conclusion of the Mayan Calendar points to; not the end of the world, but our collective graduation into a new level of consciousness as a species. It's a monumental shift that humanity has, in essence, been growing towards since man first walked the Earth. The past few decades have seen a tremendous acceleration in this process, and on March 9th, we entered the final phase, or "step" on the Mayan pyramid, called the Unity Wave. Scholars have been writing and teaching about this coming time for years; numerous books, articles and videos are available on the subject of human evolution and specifically this time period.

But it doesn't entail believing in Mayan cosmology. The Maya simply left good breadcrumbs — a map for what would unfold far into the future. They were one set of guides. Other indigenous peoples, such as the Hopi and Aztecs, have said the same thing. The Mayan system is the one that found me during my own awakening, but it's not a "belief" or philosophy with which you need to agree. The shift is happening regardless; my role has always been to transduce, or step down, energy/information into an available form for others.

Think of it this way: when people thought the Earth was flat, this didn't alter the truth of its spherical nature. Yet the proof that our planet is round galvanized a global shift in awareness and acceptance. Same with whether the sun revolved around the Earth, or the Earth around the sun. This shift in human consciousness is happening globally, and millions of people have been facilitating it.

Now we're at the critical juncture, waking up en masse. All systems are affected: political, economic, geophysical. The riots, the cataclysms, are all part of it. And we will emerge on the far side into a new reality. This will evolve over time; it's not like throwing a light switch on a certain date. The article, The Sky Is Falling – NOT! The Truth About 2012 is one of my clearest explanations.

Having this information offers you a grander context for your life, and for how you perceive the world. Of course, you're welcome to disregard it all. That's always an option, with any new information. But until you have the knowledge, you can't make an informed choice."

We are living a tsunami in consciousness, a tidal wave illumining all. May you live through an open heart, which is the key to all healing, and be blessed as you hold this light for others.

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