Saturday, May 07, 2011

Stand! Mother's Day Message for World Peace

This Sunday the United States celebrates Mother's Day, a holiday that was originally not a Hallmark occasion, but a call for women to put an end to war. Poet, author and activist Julia Ward Howe first championed a Mother's Peace Day in 1870. In her Mother's Day Proclamation, she exhorted, "Arise, then, women of this day! 
Arise all women who have hearts … solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means
 whereby the great human family can live in peace..."

More than a century hence, women everywhere are heeding the call, via Since 2007, this group has sent out a call for people to join hands and hearts for five minutes of silence on Mother's Day, in service to planetary peace. The global events were catalyzed by The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering, a children's story about two grandmothers whose vigil sparked an international movement.

As we awaken to our responsibility ("the ability to respond") to our Mother, and the beneficent power we can unleash, what shines through is:

It doesn't take slogans and permits. It doesn't take anger or weapons. It takes a village — and a vision. We have, and are, both. We are the ones we've been waiting for. To paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "I have a dream that one day this nation will wise up…" Let the global upwising begin!

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