Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spiraling Home

The poem/chant Spiraling Home, which came through me a few weeks prior to September 11th, 2001, is a clarion call for now. There's tremendous power in hearing the words spoken aloud. Chant it or sing it, and see what happens inside you!

Spiraling Home

It's time for:

Gliding, sliding
Coming out of hiding;
Purging, merging
Acknowledging the surging;
Knowing, flowing
Opening to growing;
Tuning, reuning
Oversoul's a-crooning:
Accelerate, celebrate
This is how we co-create;
Say "yes," pass the test
Get ready for the best!
Elation, initiation
Planetary transmutation;
This moment, the Light
Our collective in-Sight;
You are the I AM
Quickened in the cosmic plan;
Ancient mystery solved:
We evolved.

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