In her latest alert, Karen Bishop explains:
"We may need to part with some of our brothers and sisters, as we no longer share the same roles or pieces and realities of the new world. Wanting to part as a team effort, supporting each other, and being there for each other [does] not work. When it is time to let go, it is simply time to let go in all ways.
"For many, our new beginnings involve being with the partners and friends of our dreams and our ideal mates. Our ideal companions are just that. Meaning it is not necessary to have a partner who shares our project or our 'work,' and certainly who is not in our space to help us balance our issues. Ideal partners in the higher realms reflect a wonderful companionship, as at this point we are fairly complete and whole all on our own. This is part of the reality of these very new beginnings, which we will indeed experience soon. We are in yet another of the many transitions of the ascension process, and this particular one has many, many facets and phases, as it is so very monumental.
"So here is what is ahead and what we are evolving into as a whole and as individuals, even though you may be tired of hearing it so many times! We have refined ourselves and purified to a great degree, although we still have much more yet to do. This creates a more purified version of who we are. In this way, we then begin to attract other more purified things into our lives which match where we currently are. As things are condensing and refining more and more, the denser energies are also leaving as well, creating much less space in between our connections. Thus, we need to re-align with things that now match where we are. Those we part from will also re-align with things that match where they are as well. All in divine and perfect order."
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