Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another Hay Ride: Listening to Louise

Every month, master coach and bestselling author Cheryl Richardson hosts a telegathering featuring someone whose work is helping to advance human evolution. Last week, her inimitable guest was a woman who catalyzed my own initiatory journey, along with that of millions of others: Louise Hay, one of the pioneers of the personal growth field.

I first met Louise in 1988, not long after my friend Susan had gifted me with a copy of Louise's classic, You Can Heal Your Life for my birthday. Louise's gatherings were known as Hay Rides, and indeed, it's a life-altering excursion.

Here's the recorded call for your elevating pleasure.

I scribbled Louise's core affirmations that she shared on air, and have been singing them this past week. (I find affirmations just naturally lend themselves to music without any effort, and make them easier to remember). What a marvelous refresher!

All is well.

Everything is working out for my highest good.

Out of this situation, only good will come.


In addition, Louise recommends gratitude at all times. It's fine to be grateful in advance of receiving what you seek. Then, Life says, "Yes, I love you, too!"

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