Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Living As a Bridge Between the Worlds

As a follow-up to my October 5th posting with Maggie Erotokritou's words about her trip to Peru, here's an excerpt from trip facilitator Aluna Joy's travel log. It's one of the clearest expressions of what it means to walk between the worlds as a conscious conduit that I've ever read. As I see my role as that of a world-bridger as well, it was heartening to read another lightkeeper's feelings:

"It is my last morning in Peru, and things are different now. The doors to the spiritual cocoon that our group has been traveling through for 16 days have closed behind us, sealing into our hearts everything we felt, learned and experienced. It was an impeccable group. They were easy to laugh and make light of our adventures, but also knew the right times to get deep and be quiet. We have been a living example of unconditional love and harmony. This is not an easy thing to pull off in a third world country.

"I know that when we walk as a conscious group in any area of the earth, it affects the earth and the people in that area. It feels good to know that we anchored some beautiful energy for those who walk this path after us. This last night on the lake's edge, we had a great confirmation of the power we collected. Many of you have probably experienced light bulbs bursting when you touch them, and perhaps you may have even blown out your computer screens . . . but tonight the electrical transformers outside our hotel began to explode and go up in flames . . . one after the other … until all the power was down for as far as the eye could see. The show was visible from my room window. What a show of confirmation. But now Spirit asks us to return to the 3D world, and this leaves us feeling strange beyond words, and triggers deep questions. It is an empty fullness.

"As you probably noticed, I'm not an expert on the places that I visit. I'm not an authority; nor do I pretend to be. I'm a visitor, a traveler, an enthusiast, a spiritual seeker. But what exactly have I gained? How have I been changed by what I have seen, by what I have done, by what I have felt? Pilgrimages are about self-discovery and self mastery, just as much as they are about discovering sacred sites in the outer world. We go to a sacred site, we learn, we get blasted and changed in the process. Hopefully when all is said and done, we are a little bit better for it.

"Sacred travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, and it can even break our hearts. But that is okay. Because the journey changed us as it should. It leaves marks on our memory, our consciousness, our hearts, and even our bodies. You take something back with you, and hopefully we leave something good behind. Is it possible to be saturated with Spirit and emptied out all at the same time? I think so.

"Like it or not, sooner or later we have to go back to the busy worlds from which we came. We feel strange about leaving. We don't know if we belong in these beautiful places, yet we don't know if we belong at home either.

"As I near my home base in Sedona, I sit down to my first green salad in almost three weeks. Dust from the Andean highlands is still fresh on my jeans. Woven bracelets are still on my wrist. Energetic Andean pan pipe music is now replaced with lifeless, canned, mall music. I realize that the people around me have no concept of the world I just left. Nor could the people that I just left understand the world I just reentered. Both worlds seem so unreal to me. I don't fit well in either. This used to bother me. But today, being between worlds has become normal to me and quite comfortable.

"Our modern world is filled with unlimited opportunities, yet those around me seem so anesthetized. The abundance of options has placed them in a fog. Yet all those in the Andes have all the headspace they need to learn; yet no opportunity to do so. I can feel the chasm between the worlds. How funny that only in a few short hours, we can experience both in their extremes.

"As I near home, anticipating a nice hot shower and a comfy bed, there is a power in me, a light, a strength in me. This light makes me okay with both worlds. I fit in both not as a participant, but as a bridge. My place, my home . . . is in me. In one world, I am rich. In another, I am poor. In one, I am smart; in another, uneducated. What the world thinks of me is only their opinion. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I know that the power and light in me is Spirit. My living in both worlds bridges these two worlds together somehow. My journeys build bridges. Our journeys together build even bigger bridges. Soon we will build a bridge for the entire world.

"It was a hard journey. I hiked far, slept little, and dug relentlessly for answers to life's questions. The riches I gained are immeasurable, indescribable, yet barely tangible to the mind. I feel a deeper sense of purpose. I feel a deeper level of Spirit walking with me. I am at the center point within me, and this feels like home. I can feel the Andean Apus, and spirits walking with me stronger than ever. All that I experienced, all that I connected with, and all that I learned walks with me now as part of me; a part of my Spirit . . . a part of my soul . . . and a part of the bridge."

Aluna concluded her entry with this anonymous quote:

"Imagine if, upon awakening tomorrow, you were free to express your truth, whatever your truth might be, without fear of embarrassment, without fear of prejudgment, without fear of retribution. What would you say? Where would you start? And how far would you go with your newfound light?"

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