Thursday, October 05, 2006

South America as Portal to the Divine Feminine

Maggie Erotokritou, coordinator of the Planetary Awakening Network, just returned from a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru facilitated by experienced sacred site tour guides, Willuru and Aluna Joy. She says the experience was profound. What was illuminating for me was learning this area is the planetary portal for the Divine Feminine energies to stream onto the global grid; no wonder so many (including me!) feel a pull to journey there now...

Maggie writes, "As we move towards the Golden Age, and the Divine Feminine energies become more evident and many more people are waking up, so the spiritual energies of the planet have also shifted from the masculine area of the Himalayas and Tibet to South America, which is considered to be the feminine spiritual counterpart, and where the Divine Feminine energies are pouring in. More and more spiritual seekers are now being drawn towards South America and specifically to Peru, whereas in the past most spiritual seekers were drawn to India, the Himalayas and Tibet. There is a turning of the tide. Long ago the masters wrote that the untapped focus of illumination would be in the Andes mountains and that South America would become the land of spiritual promise. This is also reflected in the gradual letting go of the guru system and instead moving into a deeper sense of self and knowing, which invites self remembering and self realization." (For years, when people have inquired about my spiritual journey and what teacher(s) I've followed, I usually respond, "I just dial direct!")

Maggie continues, "The crown for me was Lake Titicaca, the highest, and most mysterious lake in the world, and Tequile Island, which is located about two hours' boat ride across the lake. Lake Titicaca is now considered to be the heart centre of the world, and on the top of Tequile Island in the lake is the Temple of the Heart. Although the people on the island are very poor and don't have running water or electricity, their hearts are filled with love and joy, and staying on the island one can feel the flowing heart energy, which extends across the lake.

"Sitting at the top of the world at the highest point of the island, about 14,500 feet, at the Temple of the Heart, was one of the most soulfelt experiences I have ever had. It is a time for the full opening and blossoming of the heart; the world so desperately needs it, we have been through a huge purification and this is continuing so as to make room for the new to come in.

"I extend and share those beautiful rays of light with you and send them across the world and invite you to join me in doing so."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Amara
It's a synchronous Universe :) I was on this trip with Maggie and she describes the pinnacle of, the epicentre of, our pilgrimage beautifully. Of all the sacred places we visited, Temple of the Heart on top of Taquile Island is seared into my being. Although I wouldn't exchange my experience of being there for anything - when at the top of the mountain, I simply visited the temple of My heart. A very old and familiar temple that more and more of us are becoming reacquainted with. Thanks to all, for those beautiful rays of light.
Namaste, Richard