Wednesday, June 01, 2005

In Tune With the Moon, and The Star That You Are

I've been following a "natural time" calendar based on earth cycles for a decade now. This modern-day evolution of the 260-day Mayan Calendar known as the Tzol'kin, coupled with an ancient lunar calendar used throughout the world for millennia, has been a grand adventure in attuning to my inner rhythms—and an inspiration to live more instinctually every day.

Li Walter, who's devised her own calendar rooted in both traditions, reminds us that we're now in the Moon of Integration, in which our question is, "How can I dedicate myself to all that lives?" Read one way to integrate this cosmology into your daily life, in my article, Embracing Paradox Can Help You Beat the Clock.

Li counsels, "It's time to integrate what we've experienced and learned on our journey through the year (since last July 26th). This is a time to gather and meet in community, to acknowledge what has been, and look toward the year to come. The new year that begins July 26, 2005 will be a 13 Seed in the Human wave year, a year of becoming the seeds of human freedom.

"Since this has been a 12 Storm Year, a stormy year in which we've been engaged in learning to live in the process of continual creative transformation, this Moon 12 of Integration is all the more important as we now have the opportunity to crystallize into a new, more complex form."

Li's words will begin to make a lot more sense once you begin to live in multidimensional time. Check out her calendar and planetary essences at Keeping Time. And get ready to plant some extraordinary seeds for the new, natural time year, on July 26th.

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