Thursday, November 23, 2006

Expanding Into Abundant Awareness

Astrologer Judy Goldberg offers some germane Thanksgiving wisdom that dovetails with Patricia Cota-Robles' transmission on healing polarity:

"Today is a transformational day, and not only because the energy of gratitude is in our consciousness. On the planetary front, a major shift is happening at 11:44 pm EST. Jupiter is moving into its home sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter is our spiritual teacher. It is also considered the planet of abundance, opportunity and good luck. This energy will be in place until December 18th 2007.

"During this time many of us will be getting in touch with our essential truths, the quest for meaning in our lives and an increased urge for individual freedom. Our environmental consciousness may expand and we may want to be out in nature more often. Others will be very challenged in these areas—especially those in our government. We can support the transition into a more peaceful, prosperous and equitable world by helping to heal the polarization that is so prevalent in our human society today."

Happy Thanksgiving, whatever country you live in. We are all One!

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