Friday, March 04, 2005

Portal to Paradise Opens March 5th

Like many others, I've been feeling that 2005 would be an amazing year in ways I couldn't clearly articulate. Now the information is streaming in, and it's a cosmic cause for global celebration.

Beginning March 5th and centered initially in Hawaii, an energetic download known as the "Paradise" frequency will be anchored and activated in Earth's grid system. This Stargate will be followed by two more activations in May, when the major Christian and Buddhist spiritual holy days, Easter and Wesak, take place. The third Stargate coincides with the heliacal rising of the Dog Star, Sirius, from July 26th - August 8th.

The Paradise vibration of Oneness, Love, Joy and Abundance will express in our lives as:

* Renewed energy and direction to focus on our creative passions. We will feel increasingly supported by this new energy as we explore our potential as 5th Dimensional creators.

* Deeper and more meaningful relationships, as we explore the energies of the new Soulmate unions. We will need to release old, outmoded relationships to make way for new and more balanced ones.

* Work shifts. Many of us will experience sudden changes in our job or career direction. We will increasingly feel the need to take risks in order to follow our passions and fulfill our dreams.

* The Return of Excitement and Joy. As the energies settle we will find the sense of anticipation and excitement that we used to feel, returning.

This information is excerpted from a channeled transmission by Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. For the complete transmission, please visit Starchild.

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